Guidelines for Funding Requests
1. Who are the FRIENDS oft he German International School Washington D.C.
The FRIENDS is a non-profit organization whose goal it is to promote friendship and intercultural exchange among persons associated with the German International School Washington D.C and finance special projects or purchases benefiting the students and the School which are not covered by the School’s budget. Members are families and individuals who have some relationship to the School.
2. What do the FRIENDS finance?
2.1. Donations from the FRIENDS
Projects, activities and purchases that are financed by the FRIENDS annually do not require a funding request. These are:
- “Weckmänner” for the St. Martin celebration
- three author’s readings in the amount of $1000 each
- a contribution of $10 per “Abiturient” for graduation expenses
- prizes for the Spelling Bee (mx. $100)
- World Day of the Book
We do expect to receive a timely reminder for the responsible person(s). It is not the responsibility of the FRIENDS to either organize or place any order for the above donations. We can, however, provide advice or information.
2.2 Purchases, Projects, Field Trips, Events
Funding requests can be made for purchases and/or for projects, field trips, and events. In the past, funding requests have been granted for prizes for competitions, workshops, T-shirts for events, playground equipment, furniture for common rooms for students, contributions to student-events.
This list is not exclusive.
Each funding request will be discussed and voted on during the FRIENDS board meeting.
We ask you to provide us with as much information about the project/purchase as possible. If necessary, please use the additional page of the Funding Request form to elaborate.
It is the FRIENDS goal to enrich the educational environment of the students in a sustainable way. It is important that as many students as possible benefit from a FRIENDS financed project. A limited budget is available and we ask all applicants to also consider other sources of funding.
Funds have to be spent within 4 months of approval, latest by the end of the current school year. If it takes longer to complete the project, please re-apply!
3. Who can make a Funding Request?
Funding requests can be submitted by teachers, employees, students, parents or other school bodies. The request must comply with the purpose and goals of our organization.
4. How to submit a Funding Request
Funding Request forms:
> FUNDING REQUEST: Projects/Field Trips/Events
Please choose the appropriate form, print, and complete.
Please remember that the FRIENDS board meets once per month, except during summer vacation, to discuss funding requests. November and December are busy months due to preparations for the Christmas Market. A longer response-time can be expected during these months. Please allow for sufficient time and try to avoid last-minute requests.
Please provide two different offers or estimates, complete the Funding Request form and attach copies of the offers or estimates.
If the funding requested is $1,000 or more it may be necessary for the applicant to submit his application personally during the FRIENDS board meeting in order to be able to answer any questions directly.
4.1 Important information for Funding Requests for Projects, Field Trips, Events
The FRIENDS do not finance regular class field trips. Should a field trip to the theater or a concert support classroom instruction, the FRIENDS will make a contribution of 30% of the ticket price per student or a maximum of $15 per student. This contribution is meant to reduce the financial burden on parents and to enrich classroom instruction.
1. Who are the FRIENDS oft he German International School Washington D.C.
The FRIENDS is a non-profit organization whose goal it is to promote friendship and intercultural exchange among persons associated with the German International School Washington D.C and finance special projects or purchases benefiting the students and the School which are not covered by the School’s budget. Members are families and individuals who have some relationship to the School.
2. What do the FRIENDS finance?
2.1. Donations from the FRIENDS
Projects, activities and purchases that are financed by the FRIENDS annually do not require a funding request. These are:
- “Weckmänner” for the St. Martin celebration
- three author’s readings in the amount of $1000 each
- a contribution of $10 per “Abiturient” for graduation expenses
- prizes for the Spelling Bee (mx. $100)
- World Day of the Book
We do expect to receive a timely reminder for the responsible person(s). It is not the responsibility of the FRIENDS to either organize or place any order for the above donations. We can, however, provide advice or information.
2.2 Purchases, Projects, Field Trips, Events
Funding requests can be made for purchases and/or for projects, field trips, and events. In the past, funding requests have been granted for prizes for competitions, workshops, T-shirts for events, playground equipment, furniture for common rooms for students, contributions to student-events.
This list is not exclusive.
Each funding request will be discussed and voted on during the FRIENDS board meeting.
We ask you to provide us with as much information about the project/purchase as possible. If necessary, please use the additional page of the Funding Request form to elaborate.
It is the FRIENDS goal to enrich the educational environment of the students in a sustainable way. It is important that as many students as possible benefit from a FRIENDS financed project. A limited budget is available and we ask all applicants to also consider other sources of funding.
Funds have to be spent within 4 months of approval, latest by the end of the current school year. If it takes longer to complete the project, please re-apply!
3. Who can make a Funding Request?
Funding requests can be submitted by teachers, employees, students, parents or other school bodies. The request must comply with the purpose and goals of our organization.
4. How to submit a Funding Request
Funding Request forms:
> FUNDING REQUEST: Projects/Field Trips/Events
Please choose the appropriate form, print, and complete.
Please remember that the FRIENDS board meets once per month, except during summer vacation, to discuss funding requests. November and December are busy months due to preparations for the Christmas Market. A longer response-time can be expected during these months. Please allow for sufficient time and try to avoid last-minute requests.
Please provide two different offers or estimates, complete the Funding Request form and attach copies of the offers or estimates.
If the funding requested is $1,000 or more it may be necessary for the applicant to submit his application personally during the FRIENDS board meeting in order to be able to answer any questions directly.
4.1 Important information for Funding Requests for Projects, Field Trips, Events
The FRIENDS do not finance regular class field trips. Should a field trip to the theater or a concert support classroom instruction, the FRIENDS will make a contribution of 30% of the ticket price per student or a maximum of $15 per student. This contribution is meant to reduce the financial burden on parents and to enrich classroom instruction.
4.2 Evaluation of the Funding Request by School Management
All funding requests are evaluated by the school management and administration to determine the necessity, desirability, and possible other funding options through the School’s budget or through other funding sources available to the School (such as the Herta-Müller Fund). The Head of School confirms the necessity/desirability of the intended project, field trip, event or purchase. The Head of the Administration confirms that the requested project, field trip, event or purchase cannot be financed, in full or in part, from the school’s budget or any other funding source available to the school in partial or full funding.
4.3. Full or Partial Funding
On the Funding Request form please indicate the total cost of your project, field trip, event or purchase; the amount you are requesting and if this amount is for partial or full funding.
Please attach copies of the estimate or offer.
As soon as you have completed and signed the Funding Request form please drop it off at the Administration Office of the school in an envelope marked FRIENDS or email it to [email protected].
5. How is the Funding received?
Purchases that will become the property of the school should be purchased by the school. Please inform the school that the purchase will be financed by the FRIENDS. For this purpose, you will receive a copy of your approved Funding Request from us which you can present to the school’s administration. The school’s administration will bill the FRIENDS for the purchase, or forward the bill to the FRIENDS. As soon as this invoice is received by the FRIENDS it will be paid for by our Treasurer.
Expenses for theater visits or financial support of projects can either be pre-financed by the applicant, by the school or by submitting an invoice to the FRIENDS directly.
Please note that the FRIENDS are sales tax exempt in Maryland.
6. What do the FRIENDS expect in return for approved Funding Requests?
Approved projects are our best form of advertising: in return we expect you to mention our financial support in your flyers, articles, advertisements and announcements regarding the project or purchase.
We thank you in advance for doing this.
All funding requests are evaluated by the school management and administration to determine the necessity, desirability, and possible other funding options through the School’s budget or through other funding sources available to the School (such as the Herta-Müller Fund). The Head of School confirms the necessity/desirability of the intended project, field trip, event or purchase. The Head of the Administration confirms that the requested project, field trip, event or purchase cannot be financed, in full or in part, from the school’s budget or any other funding source available to the school in partial or full funding.
4.3. Full or Partial Funding
On the Funding Request form please indicate the total cost of your project, field trip, event or purchase; the amount you are requesting and if this amount is for partial or full funding.
Please attach copies of the estimate or offer.
As soon as you have completed and signed the Funding Request form please drop it off at the Administration Office of the school in an envelope marked FRIENDS or email it to [email protected].
5. How is the Funding received?
Purchases that will become the property of the school should be purchased by the school. Please inform the school that the purchase will be financed by the FRIENDS. For this purpose, you will receive a copy of your approved Funding Request from us which you can present to the school’s administration. The school’s administration will bill the FRIENDS for the purchase, or forward the bill to the FRIENDS. As soon as this invoice is received by the FRIENDS it will be paid for by our Treasurer.
Expenses for theater visits or financial support of projects can either be pre-financed by the applicant, by the school or by submitting an invoice to the FRIENDS directly.
Please note that the FRIENDS are sales tax exempt in Maryland.
6. What do the FRIENDS expect in return for approved Funding Requests?
Approved projects are our best form of advertising: in return we expect you to mention our financial support in your flyers, articles, advertisements and announcements regarding the project or purchase.
We thank you in advance for doing this.